Fazendo uma pequena pausa nos posts sobre a Islândia, Nosso Olhar apresenta algumas fotos de Santarém, resultado da visita a Portugal que realizamos na Semana Santa.
Região habitada desde tempos pré-históricos, a cidade fundada pelos romanos no segundo século antes de Cristo tem um apelo muito maior para nós, brasileiros, por ser a terra natal de Estácio de Sá e a escolhida de Pedro Álvares Cabral, onde ele se encontra enterrado.
In a really quick trip to Portugal during Easter Holidays, Nosso Olhar visited Santarém, whose foundation is attributed to the Romans in the 2nd century before Christ, with the name Scalabis. Since prehistory, the region has been inhabited, first by the Lusitani, then by Greeks, Romans, Visigoths, Moors and later Portuguese Christians. Legend says that the name Santarém derives from Sancta Irene in honor of the Visigoth Saint Iria (Irene) who was martyred in Tomar (Nabantia) and whose uncorrupted body reached Santarém. It is the land of Pedro Álvares Cabral , explorer who arrived and discovered Brazil to the Portuguese in 1500.
Como diz Pero Vaz de Caminha em sua carta, no dia 22 de abril de 1500, foi avistada a Terra de Vera Cruz (Brasil).
Pero Vaz de Caminha wrote a detailed official report of the April 1500 discovery of Brazil by Cabral's fleet.
Estátua de Pedro Álvares Cabral
Igreja Santa Maria da Graça , que teve o início de sua construção em 1380, por ordem de D. João Afonso Telo de Meneses e sua esposa D. Guiomar de Villalobos, primeiros condes de Ourém. Local onde se encontra o túmulo de Pedro Álvares Cabral.
The Church of Santa Maria da Graça is from 1380 , and was built by the order of D. João Afonso Pelo de Meneses and his wife. D. Guitar Villalobos, 1st Earls of Our. It is the resting place of Pedro Álvares Cabral.
Igreja Santa Maria de Marvilla
Church of Santa Maria de Marvilla
The Church Santa Maria de Marvilla is located in the historical center of Santarém and dates back to the Christian Reconquest. In 1159, it was donated to the Order of Templars by D. Afonso Henriques. Nowadays, it presents a Manueline style, but its interior houses some characteristics from the time of the Moors.
pia de água benta
Holy Water Fountain
pia batismal
Baptismal font